Academics Institute Performance Academic Rules & Regulations Institute Manual – OBE Project Based Learning (PBL) Academic Calendar AICTE Learning Resources Syllabus IQAC / ICIU / IAMC Feedback CIAAN Norms Zeal TVC Faculty Details Department—Please choose an option—AI & Machine LearningAutomation & RoboticsComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringScience & Humanities Academic Year—Please choose an option—2024-25 Semester—Please choose an option—Odd SemEven Sem Please provide the feedback in the range 1(Min.) to 5(Max.) Faculty Feedback 1. Aims and objectives of the syllabi are well defined and clear to teachers and students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 2. The curriculum provides opportunity for the conducting project related activities. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 3. The depth of the course content is adequate to have significant learning outcomes. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 4. The opinion of the faculty members are taken in to account during curriculum revision. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 5. The learning outcomes of the curriculum are of local, national and global standard. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 6. The pre-requisite courses are appropriate for this course. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 7. The students attain the POs, COs and PSOs satisfactorily. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 8. The curriculum has the potential in developing the habit of self learning among the students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 9. The course/syllabus has a good balance between theory and Laboratory-work. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 10. Evaluation of the course is appropriate to discriminate the students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree Recommendations for course improvement (Please specify topics that should be added/dropped from the course, new books to be recommended, changes in teaching scheme and experiments, etc. if any) 11+4=?