Academics Institute Performance Academic Rules & Regulations Institute Manual – OBE Project Based Learning (PBL) Academic Calendar AICTE Learning Resources Syllabus IQAC / ICIU / IAMC Feedback CIAAN Norms Zeal TVC Student Feedback (Academics) Student Feedback (Facilities) Faculty Feedback Student Feedback (Academics) Student Details DepartmentComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringGeneral Science Academic Year2021-22 ClassOdd SemEven Sem Student Feedback 1. How much of the syllabus was covered in the class? 85 to 100%70 to 84%55 to 69%30 to 54%Below 30% 2. How well did the teachers prepare for the classes? ThoroughlySatisfactorilyPoorlyIndifferentlyWon’t teach at all 3. How well were the teachers able to communicate? Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveVery poor communication 4. The teachers’ approach to teaching can best be described as ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor 5. Fairness of the internal evaluation process by the teachers. Always fairUsually fairSometimes unfairUsually unfairUnfair 6. Was your performance in assignments discussed with you? Every timeUsuallyOccasionally/SometimesRarelyNever 7. Conduction of remedial class by the teachers SignificantlyVery wellModeratelyMarginallyNot at all 8. Conduction of bridge course by the teachers SignificantlyVery wellModeratelyMarginallyNot at all 9. Conduction of bridge course by the teachers Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveUnsatisfactory 10. How do you rate career counseling process? Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveUnsatisfactory 11. How do you rate project based lab concept? Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveNot Applicable 12. How do you rate lab taken to class concept? Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveNot Applicable 13. How do you rate ALM concept? Always effectiveSometimes effectiveJust satisfactorilyGenerally ineffectiveUnsatisfactory 14. How do you rate the syllabus of overall courses? ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor 15. The institute takes active interest in promoting internship, student exchange, field visit opportunities for students. RegularlyOftenSometimesRarelyNever 16. The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you in cognitive, social and emotional growth. SignificantlyVery wellModeratelyMarginallyNot at all 17. The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow. Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree 18. Teachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and program outcomes. Every timeUsuallyOccasionally/SometimesRarelyNever 19. Your mentor does a necessary follow-up with the tasks assigned to you. Every timeUsuallyOccasionally/SometimesRarelyI don’t have a mentor 20. The teachers illustrate the concepts through examples and applications. Every timeUsuallyOccasionally/SometimesRarelyNever 21. The teachers were able to identify your strengths and encourage you by providing right level of challenges. FullyReasonablyPartiallySlightlyUnable to 22. Teachers were able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them. Every timeUsuallyOccasionally/SometimesRarelyNever 23. The institution makes effort to engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality improvement of the teaching learning process. Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree 24. The institute/ teachers use student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies for enhancing learning experiences. To a great extentModerateSomewhatVery littleNot at all 25. TTeachers encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities. Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree 26. Efforts are made by the institute/ teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills and employability skills to make you ready for the world To a great extentModerateSomewhatVery littleNot at all 27. What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching. Above 90%70 – 89%50 – 69%30 – 49%Below 29% 28. The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good. Strongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree 29. How do you rate availability of books in Library? ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor 30. Are you exposed to latest trends in industry through industry persons? ExcellentVery goodGoodFairPoor Any Recommendations: 11+4=? Student Feedback (Facilities) Student Details DepartmentComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringGeneral Science Academic Year2021-22 ClassOdd SemEven Sem Curricular Based 1. Classroom, Laboratories, Workshop & Computer Center-Space, Cleanliness & Ambience 12345 2. Laboratory Equipment, Safety & Security Facilities 12345 3. Availability of Reading Materials , New Publications and Periodicals, Library Services & Management 12345 4. Internet, Wi-Fi, Online Exam, ICT & Pedagogic Facilities 12345 5. E-Learning and Digital Learning Facilities (Digital Library) & Reprography 12345 Co-Curricular Based 1. Industry Supported/Sponsored Laboratories, Innovation/Incubation Center 12345 2. Student Training Program, Workshops, Seminars, Guest Lecture, Industrial Visit, PBL Support & Services 12345 3. Training & Placement facilities & Career Support Services 12345 4. Professional/Technical Societies/Chapters, Students Clubs Services 12345 5. Industrial Internships, Project Support with Industry Connect 12345 Extra-Curricular Based 1. Sports-Outdoor, Indoor Games facilities, Coaching & Sports Materials in Gymkhana 12345 2. Technical Skill Development Activities, Gymnasium, Yoga & Meditation Facilities 12345 3. Soft Skill and Personality Development Services, Professional Development Activities and EDC Activities 12345 4. Cultural Club Activities, Contests, Presentations, Hackathons Support, Services & Facilities 12345 5. Social Services(NSS/YRC/ RRC)& Community Engagement Support, Services & Facilities 12345 General 1. Stationary, Stores, Lift, Safety, Security, CCTV Facilities 12345 2. Canteen/Hostel-Facilities & House Keeping, Boys/ Girls Common Room & Recreation 12345 3. Student Counselling/Mentoring, Grievance Redressal Services , Medical Facility & Public/College Transportation 12345 4. Management, Support and Services from Admin Sections (Student, Examination, Scholarship and Accounts) 12345 5. Tree-Plantation, Landscape, Auditorium, Safe Drinking Water 12345 Any Recommendations: 11+4=? Faculty Feedback Faculty Details DepartmentComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringGeneral Science Academic Year2021-22 ClassOdd SemEven Sem Faculty Feedback 1. Aims and objectives of the syllabi are well defined and clear to teachers and students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 2. The curriculum provides opportunity for the conducting project related activities. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 3. The depth of the course content is adequate to have significant learning outcomes. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 4. The opinion of the faculty members are taken in to account during curriculum revision. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 5. The learning outcomes of the curriculum are of local, national and global standard. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 6. The pre-requisite courses are appropriate for this course. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 7. The students attain the POs, COs and PSOs satisfactorily. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 8. The curriculum has the potential in developing the habit of self learning among the students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 9. The course/syllabus has a good balance between theory and Laboratory-work. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree 10. Evaluation of the course is appropriate to discriminate the students. Strongly AgreeAgreeNot SureDisagreeStrongly Disagree Recommendations for course improvement (Please specify topics that should be added/dropped from the course, new books to be recommended, changes in teaching scheme and experiments, etc. if any) 11+4=?