Zeal Education Society's


An ISO 21001:2018 Certified Institute.
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by DTE, Mumbai (Govt. of Maharashtra),
Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai, MSBTE Code : 0988, DTE Code : D-6435

From HoD’s Desk

Zeal TVC

Prof. Ramesh K. Mandale

B.E. Electrical, M.E. (Persuing)

HoD, Department of Electrical Engg., Zeal Polytechnic

It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming, on behalf of the Electrical Engineering Department of Zeal Polytechnic, Pune.

The Department of Electrical Engineering has been established in the year 2013-14.  Electrical Engineering is an exciting and dynamic field that deals with the technology of electricity, especially the design and applications of circuitry and equipment for Power Generation and Distribution, Machine Design, industrial Automation. Electrical Engineer enjoys a high demand service status in Modern Manufacturing, Generation, Transmission and Distribution & Industrial Processes.

The department moves with a vision to strive for overall development of our students, making them competitive & conscious engineers, so as to become ready to accept challenges in industry & to serve for the betterment of the society. Department is committed to develop diploma holders who will be able to communicate effectively, adopt lifelong learning, act with integrity and have interpersonal skills with commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities.

The department provides a conductive environment for the students to develop analytical and practical skills and apply them to real world problems. Students are also encouraged to undergo supervised practical training in different industries so as to get hands on experience and become employable.

The department has a dedicated & qualified faculty members supported by skilled non-teaching staff.

The department is always enthusiastic in conducting various seminars and workshops for the faculty and students to permeate advances in technology. All the students get full opportunity to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities leading to a holistic personality development.

It is pride to quote here that our students have built their carriers & holding the prominent positions in the industry.

Thanks to the efforts of our faculty members, alumni, and students for their continuous support. We will play a leading role in our discipline and are committed towards creating innovative and effective professional diploma holder’s community which would vivacious and provide continuous learning.