Zeal Education Society's


An ISO 21001:2018 Certified Institute.
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by DTE, Mumbai (Govt. of Maharashtra),
Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai, MSBTE Code : 0988, DTE Code : D-6435

MoU – Computer Engineering

Zeal TVC

Sr. No. MOU Signed with industry / Organization Date of Signing MOU Duration & Validity
1. Profound Edutech Private Limited 28/11/2024 5 Years
2. iBase ElectrosofLLP 20/07/2023 3 Years
3. Precision Groups 2/05/2022 3 Years
4. JETKING HADAPSAR 06/12/2021 5 Years
5. Securia Infosec LLP 08/12/2021 5 Years
6. Systems and networks Technologies 13 /12/2021 3 Years
7. ASCII EDUCATION 13 /12/2021 5 Years
8. AIR-VECTOR 09/10/2021 5 Years
9. MAGNUM SOLUTIONS 22/12/2018 5 Years
10. KASNET TECHNOLOGIES 28/02/2018 3 Years
11. ACCEDE SOFTWARE SOLUTION 28/02/2018 5 Years
12. IT Systems and networks Technologies 24/09/2016 5 Years
13. TECH HUB 24/09/2016 5 Years