Academics Institute Performance Academic Rules & Regulations Institute Manual – OBE Project Based Learning (PBL) Academic Calendar AICTE Learning Resources Syllabus IQAC / ICIU / IAMC Feedback CIAAN Norms Zeal TVC Ward Details Department—Please choose an option—AI & Machine LearningAutomation & RoboticsComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical Engineering Academic Year—Please choose an option—2024-25 Semester—Please choose an option—Odd SemEven Sem Class—Please choose an option—First YearSecond YearThird Year Parents Details Name of the Parent Occupation Qualification Contact Number Please provide the feedback in the range 1(Min.) to 5(Max.) Parent Feedback 1. How satisfied are you with the quality of education provided by the college ? 12345 2. How would you rate the infrastructure and facilities (labs, classrooms, library, etc.) of the college ? 12345 3. How satisfied are you with the safety and security measures taken by the college ? 12345 4. How effective do you find the communication between the college and parents regarding academic progress and events ? 12345 5. How would you rate the discipline and overall student development activities conducted by the college ? 12345 6. How satisfied are you with the efforts of faculty members in supporting and mentoring students ? 12345 7. How do you evaluate the placement and career guidance opportunities provided by the college ? 12345 8. How well does the college encourage extracurricular and co-curricular activities for overall student development ? 12345 9. How satisfied are you with the college’s efforts in fostering industry exposure through internships, workshops, and guest lectures ? 12345 10. How well does the college support students in developing soft skills, leadership qualities, and entrepreneurship mind-set ? 12345 Recommendations for course improvement (Please specify topics that should be added/dropped from the course, new books to be recommended, changes in teaching scheme and experiments, etc. if any) 11+4=?