Prof. Ayub A. Tamboli
Ph. D (Pursuing), ME(HPE), BE(Mechanical Engineering) ASHRAE, AWS, ISHRAE, LMISTE, IE(I), SESI
Zeal Polytechnic, Pune
We provide best platforms to budding engineers to acquire technical knowledge, motor skills and soft skills which are utmost demands of the industry. Uniqueness of our institute is a caring, nurturing culture that recognizes the various aspects of each student and encourages them to bloom to their fullest with confidence.
We are also committed to very good quality of teaching-learning process with having maintained high grade discipline among the staff and students and to achieve sky-scraping point superiority in academic by maintaining a conductive atmosphere for studies, state-of art laboratories communication center and digital library. MOUs have been signed with reputed organization to impart cutting edge technologies through extensive courses.
In another view, we aim at development of our student at different levels by the proper encouragement, guidance, support and generation of in-house recourses for sports, cultural, yoga, meditation etc followed by giving them a confidence to feel free at home.
These efforts have resulted in more placements and we are keen to argument it further. We are quite self-assured for the molding and nurturing of our students as a young, bright, dynamic, talented & professional technocrats and a responsible gentle citizen by raising the our actions to at high quality technical education.