Automotion & Robotic
Faculty Publication Details
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Title of papers | Name of journal/Conference | Year of Publication |
1 | Prof. Yenkar Ravi Gopal | Experimental Investigation of Parameters Influencing The Performance Of Pin Fins Under Forced Convection | Proceedings of 69th IRF International Conference | 2017 |
2 | Prof. Yenkar Ravi Gopal | Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Intensification of Pin-fins under Forced Convection (A Review) | International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science | 2016 |
3 | Prof. V. S. Kshirsagar | Design and Analysis of hydraulic thruster brake for lifting machine | IJIERT | 2016 |
4 | Prof. M. M. Deoghare | Heat Transfer Analysis of Winglet Type Fins Array Through Natural Convection. | IJRPET | 2017 |
5 | Prof. S. R. Kulkarni | New Study on the Injection Velocity Variation in Small Hand Lever Operated Injection Moulding Machine | IJIRSET | 2018 |
Design and analysis of roller screw mechanism for
Anelectric cylinder |
IJRPET | 2018 | ||
6 | Prof. R. H. Tike | Airbag system for Two wheeler vehicle system | IJARME | 2015 |
7 | Prof. D. K. Shinde | Design , Development & analysis of wobble mixer Link | IJARME | 2016 |
8 | Prof. S. S. Surywanshi | Numerical heat transfer analysis of flowing fluid through circular tube with helical twisted strip inserts | NCMEND | 2017 |
Heat transfer characteristics of helical coil by using CFD | ICMERME | 2016 |