Academics Institute Performance Academic Rules & Regulations Institute Manual – OBE Project Based Learning (PBL) Academic Calendar AICTE Learning Resources Syllabus IQAC / ICIU / IAMC Feedback CIAAN Norms Zeal TVC Student Details Department—Please choose an option—AI & Machine LearningAutomation & RoboticsComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical Engineering Academic Year—Please choose an option—2024-25 Semester—Please choose an option—Odd SemEven Sem Class—Please choose an option—First YearSecond YearThird Year Please provide the feedback in the range 1(Min.) to 5(Max.) Student Feedback 1. How much of the syllabus was covered in the class? (85-100%-5, 70-84%-4,55-69%-3,30-54%-2,Below 30%-1) 12345 2. How well teachers prepare for the classes, domain knowledge & presentation skills? 12345 3. Teacher was punctual and started classes on regular time 12345 4. How well were the teachers able to communicate and his ability to solve doubts of students? 12345 5. Teachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and programme outcomes. 12345 6. The teachers illustrate the concepts through examples and applications. 12345 7. The teachers identify your strengths and encourage you with providing right level of challenges. & Teachers are able to identify your weaknesses and help you to overcome them. 12345 8. The institution makes effort to engage students in the monitoring, review and continuous quality improvement of the teaching learning process. 12345 9. The institute takes active interest in promoting internship, student exchange, field visit opportunities for students. 12345 10. “Efforts are made by the institute/ teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills and employability skills to make you ready for the world of work.” 12345 11. Effective use of ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching 12345 12. The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute 12345 Recommendations for course improvement (Please specify topics that should be added/dropped from the course, new books to be recommended, changes in teaching scheme and experiments, etc. if any) 11+4=?