Academics Institute Performance Academic Rules & Regulations Institute Manual – OBE Project Based Learning (PBL) Academic Calendar AICTE Learning Resources Syllabus IQAC / ICIU / IAMC Feedback CIAAN Norms Zeal TVC Student Details Department—Please choose an option—AI & Machine LearningAutomation & RoboticsComputer EngineeringElectronics & CommunicationCivil EngineeringMechanical EngineeringElectrical Engineering Academic Year—Please choose an option—2024-25 Semester—Please choose an option—Odd SemEven Sem Class—Please choose an option—First YearSecond YearThird Year Please provide the feedback in the range 1(Min.) to 5(Max.) Curricular Based 1. Classroom, Laboratories, Workshop & Computer Center-Space, Cleanliness & Ambience 12345 2. Laboratory Equipment, Safety & Security Facilities 12345 3. Availability of Reading Materials , New Publications and Periodicals, Library Services & Management 12345 4. Internet, Wi-Fi, Online Exam, ICT & Pedagogic Facilities 12345 5. E-Learning and Digital Learning Facilities (Digital Library) & Reprography 12345 Co-Curricular Based 1. Industry Supported/Sponsored Laboratories, Innovation/Incubation Center 12345 2. Student Training Program, Workshops, Seminars, Guest Lecture, Industrial Visit, PBL Support & Services 12345 3. Training & Placement facilities & Career Support Services 12345 4. Professional/Technical Societies/Chapters, Students Clubs Services 12345 5. Industrial Internships, Project Support with Industry Connect 12345 Extra-Curricular Based 1. Sports-Outdoor, Indoor Games facilities, Coaching & Sports Materials in Gymkhana 12345 2. Technical Skill Development Activities, Gymnasium, Yoga & Meditation Facilities 12345 3. Soft Skill and Personality Development Services, Professional Development Activities and EDC Activities 12345 4. Cultural Club Activities, Contests, Presentations, Hackathons Support, Services & Facilities 12345 5. Social Services(NSS/YRC/ RRC)& Community Engagement Support, Services & Facilities 12345 General 1. Stationary, Stores, Lift, Safety, Security, CCTV Facilities 12345 2. Canteen/Hostel-Facilities & House Keeping, Boys/ Girls Common Room & Recreation 12345 3. Student Counselling/Mentoring, Grievance Redressal Services , Medical Facility & Public/College Transportation 12345 4. Management, Support and Services from Admin Sections (Student, Examination, Scholarship and Accounts) 12345 5. Tree-Plantation, Landscape, Auditorium, Safe Drinking Water 12345 Recommendations for course improvement (Please specify topics that should be added/dropped from the course, new books to be recommended, changes in teaching scheme and experiments, etc. if any) 11+4=?