Celebrated World Entrepreneurs Day 2019 (WED-2019) on 27 Aug 2019
Celebrated World Entrepreneurs Day 2019 (WED-2019) on 27 Aug 2019 with a industry speakers Narra Seshagirira, Mr.Navnath Yewale, Dr.Amod Markale, Mr.Gaurav Sharma and Vijay Roy.
Engineers Day
On the occasion of the Engineers Day 15th Sep 2019 Zeal Polytechnic Organized program in the memory of Sir Mokshgundum Vishveshwarya.
Industrial Visit-Hydro Power Plant, Ujjani.
As a part of curriculum, the Department organizes a technical field visits periodically to reputed industries and firms to enhance the practical knowledge of students.Under the head of Professional Practice
Guest Lecture on Special Machine
Guest Lecture on Special Machine given by Vishal Tathe dated on 06th Sept. 2019 which is arranged by Prof.A.G.Keskar.
Teacher’s day
We celebrated teacher’s day on 5th of Sept 2019 and Principal S.A.Deokar and Head of Department Prof. S.S. Nimbalkar share their valuable views with students.