Civil Engineering

Prof. Prashant L. Jadhav
B.E. Civil, M. Tech. (Hydraulics),Phd Pursing
Hod, Department of Civil Engg., Zeal Polytechnic
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Civil Engineering is considered to be the most versatile branch among all the engineering branches in the country.
It has its own place in country’s development. To raise the life standards of its people, a country has to provide good infrastructure to its people, and Civil Engineer’s plays a vital role in this.
A Civil Engineering has a major role for the development of nation by building roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, dams, water works, infrastructure which are essential for rapid growth of any country. Construction industry is currently growing with latest technologies and now there is a huge demand for Civil Engineers.
For satisfying the demand of infrastructural development, along with skills our department aims to mould the students into excellent engineering professionals by exposing them to different aspects of Civil Engineering such as Hydraulics, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Water Resources Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering. For better awareness and interest of a student, continuous interaction with various eminent resource persons and reputed construction companies is being organized at frequent intervals in the form of special guest lectures, seminars, workshops and site visits etc. The Department also encourages its students to engage in co-curricular activities, essential for the overall development. The Department has fully equipped Labs with mechanized equipment such as Geotechnical Lab, Environmental Engineering Lab, Concrete Technology Lab, Transportation Lab, Surveying Lab, Mechanics Lab, Computer Aided Design & Drawing Lab etc.