OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogue)
Visiting the following URL can access the Library catalogue. (Within the campus Intranet) Autolib OPAC (On-line Public Access Catalogue) offers powerful on-line search facilities to search through library catalogues:
Maharashtra state Board of Technical Education.

NPTEL-(National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning ) to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning and E-learning through online Web and Video courses various streams. Link http://nptel.ac.in
NDL(National Digital India) is an all-digital library that stores information (metadata)about different types of digital contents including books ,articles, video, audios, thesis and other educational materials relevant for users from varying educational levels and capabilities .It provides a single –window search facility to access digital contents currently existing in India as well as other digital sources under a single umbrella VDL Link http://iitkgp.ac.in